Monday, June 29, 2009

I'll Be Home For Xmas...

By Patrick Alcatraz

NEW YORK, N.Y. - First came the queers and the lesbos on Sunday, followed by the Yanks whipping the Mets four straight, followed by Bernard Madoff getting 150 years in prison for the most ridiculous Ponzi Scheme ever. Somewhere in there, in between jaunts to this and that cafe and bar, I fell back to my earlier Big Apple ways, of, yes, being aloof with a hundred million other Bozos coming here to be exactly that - zany and aloof.

Batman danced with Superman, in full costume, yesterday afternoon at Central Park near 59th Street, just up from Columbus Circle, where Trump Tower calls the shots. I was with this beautiful 23-year-old chick - my lovely daughter Gabrielle.

It's a start to my return to those halcyon days when the sensationalist NY Post paid my hefty salary and when deadline was followed by a cab ride to the White Horse Tavern in the Village where Edgar Allen Poe and Dylan Thomas drank their asses off, Dylan still holding the record for consecutive whiskeys - 18.

I'm behaving, being a father, but also being me, which is the dangerous part of the equation.

Tonight, we dined at the corny Gee Whiz Diner in Tribeca, where my daughter and I sat down for a long chat and a light din-din. Who knows what Bernie Madoff had for supper over the local jail...

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